Patrick Meechan tells about his encounter with spiritual forces of wickedness. A novel he has written titled "220 Fifth Street" published by Crown of Thorns Publishing is sure to grip the reader as Patrick exposes the enemy of our souls and unmasks these demonic forces masquerading as ghosts. To anyone who has experienced paranormal activity and perceived "hauntings", this book is for you.
Here is what some have said about Patrick's book.
"It is tragic that Hollywood has tried to sensationalize the world of demons, demonic possession and the world of the paranormal. Patrick Meechan does and outstanding job of exposing this world in a realistic and Biblically accurate manner. There is a greater tragedy than the treatment of this subject by the entertainment industry. That is Christian ministries that have tried to exploit believers with extravagant tales to convince the flock. The only thing that they attempt to deliver is better ratings and more finances in their coffers.
I must confess that I was fairly naive when it came to encountering the very real world of Satan. I was a young ministerial student leading music at a retreat in Colorado when I first encountered a teen possessed by a demon. I had read the confrontations of Jesus in the Gospel, but never thought about the application in real life. That spiritual warfare experience drove me deeper into the Word.
“220 Fifth Street” will provide for you a realistic framework for understanding this evil presence. Yes, there are some people that see demons behind every tree. Yes, because of entertainment and certain types of evangelism there can be some informational fatigue. Patrick has gone to a lot of trouble and investigation to pull back the curtain on this important subject. This is way beyond ghost busters or even ghost hunters.
If you are looking for answers regarding the demonic and is it real? I highly recommend this book. If you are looking for a deliverer to truly bring a supernatural Savior into your life. I highly recommend this book. Most people walk away from the subject of evil. This author has stepped up, raised the bar and brought new light on this vital topic." - Dr. Douglas M. Downs - Christian Media Specialist
" Very creepy and powerful. Having never had an experience like yours, there was some things I'd never known about, including the legal rights. I'm still digesting it and will more than likely give it another read. This would make a great film/documentary. Looking forward to reading Nightmare in Holmes County. " - Dave - New York, USA
"'220 FIFTH STREET' is a thought provoking read. What is the history of the house you live in? How about your neighbor's house? The spirit realm is real my friends and Patrick Meechan reveals this truth in "220 Fifth Street" DON'T MISS THIS ONE!!! " - Pastor Dode Overton - New Life Church of God
"Whoo. I finished your book. A great read, and I can clearly see it as a movie. Again, well done and I can sense the great deal of work and time that went into developing the book. I also sense in my spirit that God really did allow you to go through this with the intent purpose to share it with others to help them fight the "invisible" war. You also helped me by clarifying some things that were somewhat fuzzy to me before." - Danielle Minnes - Indiana, USA
Crown of Thorns Publishing
Crown of Thorns Publishing strives to produce Christian books that will encourage, enlighten, and challenge you while proclaiming the truth of Christ’s compassion for humanity. A non-denominational Christian publishing company, Crown of Thorns does not promote a particular doctrine, instead choosing to turn to the Bible itself as a guide for governing principles in life and business. The books we publish may tackle controversial subjects but we believe the truth itself is often controversial.
We believe this radical approach to life is how Jesus Christ lived while here on earth. This attitude impacts the books we publish and produces a life-altering change in perception in the reader that will draw you deeper into the truths of the scriptures and possibly change your worldview.
Here is the link for purchasing Patrick's book.
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