Monday, July 1, 2013

We Decide Which Is Right?

     The last verse in the Moody Blues song "Nights in White Satin" is, "we decide which is right, and which is an illusion." For mankind since creation, this has always been the case. Basically it is the understanding of prevailing thought as to what is acceptable as being right. We, as a society and a culture, can decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. The reality however is that this IS the grand illusion. Webster's defines illusion as; something that deceives by producing a false impression of reality. America for decades now has been deceived by the false impression of reality that something other than a human being is produced at the moment of conception, that somewhere around the 23rd week of gestation, at some moment of some hour of some day...THEN you have a human! This is a depraved belief harbored in reprobate minds. And we are now smack dab in the middle of another false impression of reality...the illusion that homosexuality and lesbianism, bi-sexuality and transgendered persons are all doing right. Hey, it may not be right for you, but if its right for me....
     It comes down to a couple of well worn arguments. The first being the question of whether absolutes exist...are they a reality. The second, if there are absolutes, where do we find them and how can we know the source is trustworthy? Wow, what has man done with these two questions! Illusions and deceptions are everywhere. The truth is suffocated.
     Human intuition and perception cannot be the measuring stick here. Its only logical. One city may be a haven for homosexuality, and another find it detestable. One culture may adhere casually to abortion, and another see it as an abomination. So does it come down to a numbers game? The prevailing belief of a region, a culture...a nation? Not too far back it would have been unthinkable to see men kissing other men on television. Today the remote control is rarely out of arms reach and I am ready to wield and fire when such things appear on my screen. Today the thought of sexual relationships with children is unthinkable, but I can assure you past cultures accepted them as "normal" (and even today there is an underground world, unseen and hidden, where this depravity is engaged in routinely by people from all walks of life). Is it inconceivable that there may be a time in America where sex with children is accepted? Before you knee jerk into a convulsed NO! consider how foreign the thought was a little over a half century ago of destroying humans in the womb. It is barely even debated today.
     So the measuring stick for absolute right and absolute wrong has to rest somewhere beyond the scope of human experience and understanding. We simply cannot be trusted. Up to this point I have purposely excluded religion from the conversation, because the religious fall prey to the same illusions as do the irreligious. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of religions in the world, and variances of those as well. They cant all be right, right? So it comes down to, "hey, you believe what you want to believe about God and I'll do the same." Some of these religions teach that homosexuality is just as normal and acceptable as're born that way. Others teach that it is wrong. Man, it really gets confusing, doesn't it? And you know what? I believe that the vast majority of humanity DOESNT EVEN WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE TRUTH IS.
     Many believe that knowing the truth depends on special illumination form sources veiled from the  human senses. One acquires knowledge from these illuminators and then passes off this "knowledge" by teaching others. Problem here is that there has always been contradictory illumination. If one illumination doesn't square up with another illumination...are there many different illuminators? Or is there one illuminator getting many people to believe many different things? As convoluted as all this pondering may seem, the answer is simple...yet profound. Stay tuned.     

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