I received a text this afternoon from Bill Posey, my ministry partner at Answers For the Paranormal. He informed me that Stephen J. Sedensky, states attorney general for Connecticut, had released his final report on the events of December the 14th, 2013 in the small village of Sandy Hook. Mr. Sedensky had released his initial report in the spring of this year, and had stated that he would have his final report by the end of June, then by the end of summer..in the fall sometime, well, now we finally have it (although the school itself had already been demolished). Bill has emailed the entire report to me, and now a couple hours later I have yet to even begin reading it. I will before I go to sleep tonight. As soon as I received Bills text I knew I had to get on this computer, but I wanted to do so without having anything in my mind that Mr. Sedensky had released (however, Bill has been texting me some of the content of the report). Having spent hour after hour in research, been part of 3 Blog Radio broadcasts about Sandy Hook, and having multiple three ring binders filled with all sorts of information, I certainly would not say that a blog now without having read the final report would be kneejerk. I just feel that I need to say something before my mind is filled with Sedenskys "details."
I want this blog to be succinct. Those of you who have listened to our Blog Radio broadcasts regarding Sandy Hook are probably aware that 12-14-12 has had a profound impact on my life. No news event of my lifetime has affected me in the way Sandy Hook has. What was reported to have occurred on that day last year, and the aftermath, is why I have been so affected. I will not detail in this blog why I do not believe what the world has been told happened that day (but if you want to know why, listen to our Blog Radio broadcasts).
I want to issue a warning, a warning to all those who have accused me and Bill, and countless others, of being cold-hearted in not believing the official story. I want to issue a warning to the news media, print and television, who have failed miserably in any attempt at true journalistic investigative work. I want to issue a warning to all those law enforcement officials whose salaries are paid by the public, and who are legally and morally responsible to uncover the truth. All of you who refuse to consider the unanswered questions and the inconsistencies, the conflicting testimonies of alleged witnesses, the lack of physical evidence, the bizarre behavior of the parents and public officials, the unmitigated absurd actions of rescue personnel, all of you who agreed that the school building should be torn down before the states attorney released his final report (I could go on for a while here)...all of you who are so damn lazy and who so irresponsibly hurl the "conspiracy nut" label on anyone who dare engage his or her brain and challenge the official reports. The warning is this. If you know the truth regarding the events of that day and are suppressing it, you will be exposed as a liar, a deceiver, and a murderer. I don't know how long it will take, but you will be found out. And for those of you who have buried your heads in the sand and believed everything you have been spoon fed about Sandy Hook, your shame will be unimaginable.
It all comes down to this; regardless of who you are, do you value the truth above all else? If you are an official related to the Sandy Hook investigation, do you care more for the truth than you do for holding onto your job, or even your life? If you have witnessed this whole saga from the outside as most of us have, do you value the truth above all else so that you are driven to research the matter rather than simply gobbling down what entertainers disguised as news personalities like Anderson Cooper and Katie Couric have presented?
Well, I may be wasting my time here pleading for the truth. Its so much easier when events like Sandy Hook occur to just shake your head at such things and lament with the masses, "Isn't that just horrible?" (and then a few months later, "Hey, did you hear about the bombing in Boston?")
One more thing. Mr. Sedenskys report can only truly be final if it contains the truth, and having been immersed in the details of 12-14-12 in Sandy Hook for nearly 12 months now, highly unlikely considering that the truth is the loneliest outpost in Newtown Connecticut.
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