Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reviving Witchcraft

In case you haven't noticed, an increase in occult practices has exploded in our culture today. From the Harry Potter series on wizardry to the paranormal investigative teams on cable T.V., this cultural phenomenon is growing with no sign of it soon fading away. Sadly, this cultural phenomenon is creeping into the professing church. When a youth pastor encourages his teens to watch the Potter movies and not be "alarmed in his spirit", something is wrong. The church in America today is asleep and who is going to awaken her from her slumber? Its time for Christians to stop being conformed to our culture and start being transformed by the renewing of their minds. Here is a link to an excellent article that describes what is happening in our world and the "church" today. This link will take you to Part IV but I suggest you click and read parts 1 thru 3 as well. It's time for Christians to be heralds and sound the alarm, rebuke the enemy and share the gospel of  Jesus Christ. There are millions going to hell every day. Doesn't that alarm you?

Here's the link to read. May God bless you as you submit to Him.


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